Tuesday, August 02, 2005


So, now that I have been able to take a few cleansing breaths and e-mail all of my blogging buddies to let them all know that my blog address has changed, I think that I can move on. (Although I don't think that I will ever be able to forget the frustration and tension that coursed through my body while trying desparately, and to no avail, to repair what ever damage I must have inadvertantly caused to our old blog site.) It was a good blog site, wasn't it? I shall remember it faundly. May it forever rest in cyber peace! : )

I guess that is about it, my big excitement for the day was the computer problem. Ari is back on night shifts now, he is working some whakadoo schedule too, I don't even know what days he has off. Oh well, I am sure that I will get used to it and get it all figured out. He does much better on the night shifts, and I do to. I think that we are both night people, so sadly, it suits us. I do end up feeling like a complete slob at times when people call me and leave me messages to the affect of; "Oh, sorry, you must STILL be sleeping. Let's see...it's about 11:30 a.m. and I've been up for hours, but you guys are on nights now right?" Etc... I think you can see why that would get old after awhile. I have chosen to keep my husband's schedule, I don't have to, but I have found that if I don't, we almost never see eachother.

That's all for now...I have been on the computer for over two and a half hours trying to figure out this stupid blog problem and my shoulders are supper tense now...I could really use a back massage right now, any takers? : )

Hope all is well out there in blogger land, much love, Kristen


Blogger Misty Throop said...

Hey sweetie! It's very sad to hear about your blog. I found it this morning if that means anything to you. I don't know exactly what happened but it was there all in one piece a minute ago. Thanks for the update though. And good luck with the new blog. Love ya, Misty

11:46 AM  
Blogger Misty Throop said...

I just looked it up again and it is safe and sound. www.eddyarithegreat.blogspot.com worked for me. Check and see if it works for you.

11:47 AM  

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