Thursday, July 13, 2006

Just a quick addition...

...On tuesday I took our guinea pig, Lou lou to the vet to have an absess/cyst removed. She did so great, she was very brave and extremely trusting. The vet recommended that I use some news paper pellets for bedding until her owie healed, so I purchased some from them and replaced Lou lou's bedding with it. With in four hours of putting her in her cage she started to cough and sneeze, and then she began weazing with every breath. I didn't think that the noise was coming from our apartment at first, I chocked it up to one of our many noisey neighbors. Any how, by the time I realized what was going on, she was not doing well at all and she was severely congested. Poor, poor baby! : ( I finally got so worried that I called the unfortunate veterinarian at 2:30 a.m., the poor fellow! It's a darn good thing that I did because I NEVER would have thought that she was having an allergic reaction to her bedding of all things. I just figured she was in disstress from the pain and the stress of the minor surgery she had had. Well, long story...even longer, : ) I cleaned out the newspaper pellets and replaced them with her regular shavings and with in fifteen minutes she was nearly all better, Thank God.

I don't know how many of you know the story of my first guinea pig, but he had and unfortunate and untimely demise when he met the toothy end of my (extremely horrified) sister's husky dog. It took her just one bite, and that was all she wrote. : ( Poor little Zappa, may he rest in peace beneath the garden of sun flowers. This all happened about a month and a half before our wedding, I was majorly stressed out by all of the planning, etc...when I heard what happened, I absolutely broke down like never before. I actually went into the garage so that no one would see how hard I was crying. I was honestly embarrassed by how upset I was by the whole thing. Needless to say, I am a little over-protective of my sweet little Lou lou.

By the way, the poor fellow whom I awoke last night was so unexcited to be waked up to help a stupid little guinea pig, it was quite funny really. When he asked what was wrong and heard that I was phoning about a guinea pig he said, and I quote, "Oh God, a guinea pig! Are you kidding me?" in a very tired, grumpy and heavily sleep-laden voice. He did snap out of it a few minutes in to our conversation and he was very helpful. I think that he is used to vetting real animals like cows and horses. You know, the serious kind of pets. : )

I didn't mean to make this a whole huge entry, I just wanted to drop a quick little up-date, and now look at what I have done. : )



Blogger The Webbs said...

Hilarious!! In a funny sort of way. I love it. I enjoy your are so creative and you capture me with all your fun words and Tamara!

10:36 PM  

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