Sunday, October 28, 2007

Universal Studios

We made it, we finally made it!!!
And we made some stinky friends! : ) Beatle Juice plopped right down next to me and then he started spouting off silly puns. Well, little did he know, he'd met his match in me!!! Certainly, my Dad could have punned him under the table, I just held my own. I as - "salted" him with a pack of table salt, he told me to "fork off," brandishing a plastic fork; then I grabbed a few ice cubes and told him "I only had "ice" for him. He walked away laughing his head off! Lame, I know, but most of you know the "Upson Curse." What could I do? : )
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Blogger The Webbs said...

Yes, I know the Upson 'curse' ...and it is a good one at that. I call it dry/witty humor. I like it...although, I am wierd, but so is someone who sits in front of the speakers while listening to music looking for 'colors' as description...good times!

6:50 PM  

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