Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hannah and Caleb's Spring time fun

Here is Hannah dancing blissfully in a large mud puddle. I just love her legs here, she looks as though she is doing some sort of an Irish jig! : )
Here is Caleb blowing bubbles, and if I know him at all, he is eating them right out of the air! Oh, to be a kid again...puddle-stomping and blowing bubbles, and the best part is that you don't have to clean up any of the mess! These guys are so great, I miss them a ton and they keep right on growing up with zero regard to me, Grandma and Grandpa, Auntie Jessica and Uncle Rob. It's like they don't care or something, like there is this huge cosmic force that is rendering them helpless to the growing up thing. Well I for one am sick of it! If I can't be there to enjoy it, the least they could do would be to stop growing. Sheesh! Don'tcha think? O.K., I am totally joking for those of you out there who where beginning to wonder if I had finally lost touch with the last vestages of my sanity. Nope. I just can't believe how incredibly tall they are both getting. Posted by Picasa


Blogger Misty Throop said...

Kristen, I love the cute pics! Your neice and nephew are definately growing up! It's crazy how fast it happens. It's good to hear updates. I will continue praying for you! Love and Miss ya, Misty

3:53 PM  

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