Sunday, April 23, 2006


So, How's it going out there for you all? Ari and I are doing just fine, all things considered. I am not well still. I don't really know why I am not getting any better, and I am really sick and tired of being sick and tired all of the time! It gets really old really fast.

I think Spring has finally come to us. : ) It has been beautiful and sunny for the past week or so. I have to spend a lot of time lying on the couch, but I have an amazing view! The Mountains are still covered in snow, but things are beginning to clear at our elevation. We still have patches of snow several feet deep, but there are also patches of grass and the trees are all thawed and the birds wake us up in the mornings. We have had to take one of our two goose down comforters off of our bed! : ) No joke! (We do sleep with the windows open year-round, so the room is always freezing.)

Last night Ari and I were talking about putting off our trip to Greece for six months to a year and going to Hawai'i for our 2nd anniversary. We have talked about going to Hawai'i for a long time, and have had it on the back burner, and I don't want Greece to become something that I take for granted, I want it to remain something very special. I am afraid that if we go every year that it will become common...I don't really think that it could ever truely become common, but it would be a shame to have it lose it's mysique. So, Hawai'i it is! Gosh, it's been nearly ten years since I've been! Last time I went was with my Uncle Scotty and we went to Oahu. I think that Ari and I will go to Maui or Kauai. Wow, what fun! I can hardly wait! : ) I love to snorkle and surf! Those are two things that I can actually do with my back stuff. When I fall off the surf board it doesn't hurt because I land in water and I am never on big waves because I take it really easy.

Wow, I must sound really spoiled right about now! I promise, I am not...I am just very blessed. Well, that's all for now.

Much love, the Eddy's